Every month we’ll release a free wall planner for download. To have the whole year’s planner all at once please scroll down.
Unlike the most part of the US, summer can be pretty chilly here in the Bay Area.
Especially in San Francisco, the fog and the wind can take you by surprise.
If you plan to travel here in summer, a windbreaker is a must. And it’s probably a good idea to always dress in layers since SF weather can change during the day, it even changes depending on where you are. (Myself almost always forgot to dress for SF weather when I cross the Bay bridge. :-p)
For example, when my husband started his half marathon in Golden Gate Park at 7:30 am, it was foggy and cold. 3 layers of cloth kept him barely warm. When he finished 2h+ later at Financial District, it was so sunny and warm we finally believed it was indeed summer.
This was during the 40th San Francisco Marathon on July 23rd. We are all very proud of him having finished his first half marathon.
Moving away from San Franciso to Oakland may have been the best decision we made. Not only Oakland housing is more affordable, closer to work, it’s also a few degree warmer that makes a pretty big difference (so we can enjoy BBQ in the backyard :-).
We always feel lucky that there are so many family friendly events all over the bay area through summer.
The highlight of the events we participated in July:
July 15th, Lotus Live: Asian Art Museum set the new GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ title for the Largest human flower.
July 30th, Berkeley Kite festival:

This is our kite!
And you have much more to see, to do, to eat here. Put visiting San Francisco on your list!
Now the new month has arrived, we have more activities to plan. How about you?
Have a nice August,
You will receive 7 calendars/planners (each size 11”x8.5”) from June to December 2017. Due to the sizes of all the PDF files, they will come in a single zip file. Please follow the instruction in your email to download the file.
If you want to support me, you can purchase these printable planners/calendars through my Etsy shop. Click the images below to be directed to Etsy.
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