Every month we’ll release a free wall planner for download. To have the whole year’s planner all at once please scroll down.
I finally remembered how much I hated dentist appointments.
Because I just went back from one.
It hurts. It hurts. It hurts!
It’s also the time to upload this month’s free wall planner.
I thought maybe it could take my mind off the pain a little bit.
It did.
But only a little bit.
The highlight of this month:
- Maladora, the famous corpse flower in UC Botanical Garden finally opened, right on my birthday.
The species Amorphophallus titanium blooms once every eight to 10 years with the largest unbranched inflorescence in the world but will last for only a day or two.
Of course, I wouldn’t miss it!
It was difficult to believe that rotten flash smell was emitted by such a beautiful and impressive flower.
You have to approach her personally during these blooming days to have a vivid realization of what “the corpse flower” truly means.
Some say that she smells like gym socks wrapped rotten steak!
I call her Miss “stinky”!
This overpowering stench that means to attract pollinating insects, has definitely not distanced any visitors.
Fighting through a packed human wall, I was able to snap a few shots and a short video (in my Instagram gallery @SimpleIndeed).
For the smells, you have to use your imagination……


2. More plant related news: one of my avocado seeds has sprouted.
This project started exactly 6 weeks ago.
You can see the avocado seed where this all started in last month’s update.
You can not see from this angle, but there are actually green leaves in the center of the seeds. Now we just need to wait to see if the leaves can successfully come out from the top.
3. I get serious with face painting.
Since I was asked, again, to do the face painting at the next school event, I started to practice a lot.
As a parent, you may need to volunteer at your kids’ school. But let’s be honest, some of the things are not so fun to do, like supervising lunch of 50 kids who throwing food at each other.
But face painting is actually what I enjoy doing. I just need to get better at it. So I finally got some decent brush (those that you don’t need to throw out after an intense face painting session).
My latest trial:
4.Last but not least. I’m started to learn how to draw since I don’t want to limit my skills at face painting alone.
The eye is the first assignment.
Keep in mind that I followed exactly what the teacher was doing. This is not I can draw by simply looking at an eye. But hopefully, I can do that later.
Hope yesterday you guys had some fun trick-or-treat.
I’m always hostile towards this particular activity and think that candy companies must have invented it.
But that’s just one of those things that you have to follow along (like putting money under your kid’s pillow pretending to be the tooth fairy.:-)
We let kids keep 5-10 candies, and donate the rest to troops (organized by my neighbor’s company), or to dentists (strangely, a lot of dental offices have candies-buy-back program).
So now I’m thinking of my hurting teeth/jaw again!
P.S. Enjoy this month’s free wall planner!
P.S.S. Leave a comment by sharing some of your fun dentist, or Halloween stories. I need to know someone is reading this. Ouch!
You will receive 7 calendars/planners (each size 11”x8.5”) from June to December 2017. Due to the sizes of all the PDF files, they will come in a single zip file. Please follow the instructions in your email to download the file.
If you want to support me, you can purchase these printable cards, planners/calendars through my Etsy shop. Click the images below to be directed to Etsy.
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